STABILPAVE can be applied to areas subjected to environmental constraints such as SCI, SPA and SAC, as well as to parks, woods and gardens – where you want to avoid using bitumen or cement binders. Benefits are the following:
- Significantly reduces particulate matter (PM10 & PM2.5).
- Longer-term road performance.
- Smooth, dust-free running surface over long periods of time.
- Superior traction and increased roadway loading capacity.
- Stabilizes surface to resist shifting, breaking up and sink failures.
- Offers maximum weather ability to wind, rain ultraviolet light and other weather conditions.
- Uses native in-place soils.
- Unstable, unpaved roads rehabilitated.
- Washed aggregate not required.
- Does not alter the permeability and the natural color of the aggregates.
- Cost-effective alternative to asphalt.
- Produces lighter surfaces that do not absorb heat.
- Employs green products harvested on a sustainable basis.
- It is water-soluble.
- No post-installation sweeping.
Stabilpave® is capable of controlling fine aggregate and coal pile dust emissions and preventing slope erosion, moisture penetration and oxidation. Its product technology and application are unique and at the forefront of improving performanceand profitability by positively affecting stockpile performance. Stabilpave® has the unique ability to eliminate fugitive dust and airborne particles because it chemically bonds and seals the surface to prevent wind from lifting fines and creating dust.
It seals water out and prevents hot spots. It can penetrate, saturate, and bond surface dust and aggregate together and “cement” this to the base to create a hard, dust-free and water-resistant surface.
Stockpiles are not exposed to the erosive action of the atmospheric agents, so the particles of dust such as PM10 and PM2.5 are controlled and the air quality is improved.
Ask for a consultation with our specialists to get a stability study, a price analysis or technical documentation for your projects